A tile fragment mostly likely used for the surfaces of the benches in the pit house.
Another form of tile likely used on the benches. This is the back side of the tile, grooved to adhere to grout.
A fragment of glazed tile
This appears to be a piece of clay tile, but it is possible that it is a fragment of brick.
This is the front side of the hexagonal tile that was probably used on the benches. It is unglazed.
Oyster shells are found in the soil throughout Dumbarton Oaks, leftover from glaciation.
Several tags for Peachblow roses were found during the excavation. For this reason we suspect that the pit house was used to force roses when it was no longer used for vegetables.
This very corroded light fixture is most likely a remnant from the pit house.
This fragment of brick is blackened on one side, most likely from smoke created by the boiler.
Dr. King's New Life Pills were probably an all-purpose cold remedy.