Monumentality in Microcosm
| Gas Station Triangles |
Gas stations and automobile service establishments form another significant private land use which adjoins ‘Attached End-Point’ triangle parks. These are especially evident along Florida Avenue (previously called “Boundary Street” as it marks the City’s historical northern edge). Photographs from throughout the 20th century show numerous triangular reservations adjoining gas stations and car lots. Revisiting these sites in the summer of 2012 revealed that only a few are well-maintained by the adjacent gas stations.

Reservation 274, NW (Abad Ocubillo 2012)

Reservation 278, NW (Abad Ocubillo 2012)

Reservation 276, NW (Abad Ocubillo 2012)

Reservation 306D, NW (Abad Ocubillo 2012)